
Guide Me LORD

Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Psalms 25:4 NIV

I agree with today’s verse. I desire a deep longing to understand and follow God’s ways. I am human and need guidance. I must depend on God for direction and guidance in life’s journey. My desires and actions need to align with God’s will.

We must have a teachable spirit. This requires a willingness to listen, learn, and be shaped by God’s wisdom and guidance. We need an openness to receive instruction and correction from God, recognizing His authority as the ultimate source of truth and knowledge.

Trusting in God’s wisdom and understanding is needed. By seeking God’s ways and paths, we acknowledge that God’s ways are higher than our ways and that His guidance leads to righteousness and fulfillment.

I recognize His sovereignty and authority over all aspects of life. Acknowledging His role as the ultimate guide and instructor, worthy of trust and obedience will give me an open heart to accept His guidance for my life.

–Diane (

Written by Diane Levy


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