
Praying in the Name of Jesus

In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. John 16:23 NIV

Our verse today is part of Jesus’ discourse with his disciples before his crucifixion. In this particular passage, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure and the coming of the Holy Spirit. He tells them that a time will come when they will no longer need to ask him directly for things, but rather, they can ask the Father directly in Jesus’ name, and their requests will be granted.

There are several key insights that we can draw from this verse:

Access to the Father through Jesus: Jesus emphasizes the role of prayer and our access to the Father through him. By asking in Jesus’ name, we can approach God directly with our needs and requests.

Confidence in Prayer: We can have confidence when we pray. Jesus assures his disciples and us that whatever they ask in his name will be given to them by the Father. This underscores the importance of faith and trust in God’s provision.

Relationship with Jesus: Asking in Jesus’ name implies a close relationship with him. It’s not merely about uttering certain words but about aligning one’s desires and requests with the will and character of Jesus.

The Role of the Holy Spirit: This verse is situated within Jesus’ broader discourse on the coming of the Holy Spirit in verses 4-15. The Holy Spirit would empower us to pray according to God’s will. Thus, this verse also highlights the Holy Spirit’s ongoing work in our lives.

Overall, John 16:23 encourages us to approach God confidently in prayer, trusting in Jesus’ name and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It speaks to the intimacy of our relationship with God, made possible through Jesus Christ.

–Diane (

Written by Diane Levy


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