
Steps to Praying – Part 2

Rejoice always,

pray continually,

give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 is a well-known passage from the New Testament, written by the Apostle Paul. These verses are often cited for their succinct and powerful directives for Christian living. Here’s the passage:

Rejoice Always:

Continuous Joy: Paul encourages us to maintain a spirit of joy at all times. This joy is not dependent on circumstances but is rooted in our relationship with God. It’s a call to find joy in God’s presence and promises, regardless of external situations.

Spiritual Discipline: Rejoicing can always be seen as a spiritual discipline. It involves a conscious choice to focus on the positive aspects of faith and life, even in the face of trials.

Pray Without Ceasing:

Constant Communication: This directive emphasizes the importance of maintaining an ongoing conversation with God. It suggests that prayer should be a regular, integral part of our lives, not confined to specific times or places.

Attitude of Prayer: Rather than implying a literal, nonstop verbal prayer, it points to an attitude of constant dependence on and communion with God. This can involve short, frequent prayers, being mindful of God throughout the day, and maintaining an awareness of His presence.

Give Thanks in All Circumstances:

Gratitude in Every Situation: Paul calls us to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, no matter what our circumstances might be. This is not about denying difficulties but recognizing and thanking God for His presence and sovereignty in every situation.

Perspective of Faith: Giving thanks in all circumstances reflects a deep trust in God’s plan and purpose. It shifts our focus from temporary hardships to eternal blessings, fostering a perspective that sees beyond immediate challenges.

For This is the Will of God in Christ Jesus for You:

Divine Will: These practices—rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks—are not merely suggestions but are presented as God’s will for us. They are fundamental aspects of living a life that is pleasing to God and aligned with His purposes.

Christ-Centered Life: This passage emphasizes that these behaviors are made possible through a relationship with Christ Jesus. It’s through Him that we can find the strength and perspective to rejoice, pray, and give thanks in all circumstances.

Have a blessed, prayerful day!

–Diane (

Written by Diane Levy

Steps to Praying – Part 1

Steps to Praying – Part 3