
Taste and See That the LORD is Good – Part 5

For the angel of the LORD is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear Him. Psalms 34:7 NLT


How much do you think about angels? Heavenly angels are sent to watch over us. The Bible gives many examples of angels visiting people. Angels are created beings. According to the Bible, they have many different functions and roles.

  1. Messengers of God: The term “angel” means “messenger.” Angels frequently deliver messages from God to humans: Hagar, Abraham, Jacob, Balaam’s donkey, Samson’s parents, Elijah, Daniel, different prophets, and so many more.
  2. Servants and Worshipers: They serve God and worship Him continually (Psalm 103:20, Revelation 5:11-12).
  3. Protectors and Guides: Angels protect and guide believers, sometimes intervening in human affairs (Psalm 91:11-12, Acts 12:7-10).
  4. Executors of Judgment: Angels are sometimes involved in executing God’s judgment (Genesis 19:1-13, Revelation 7:1-2).

Angels have had encounters with humans, both in the Old Testament and New Testament.

  1. Old Testament Encounters: Angels interact with many key figures in the Old Testament, such as Abraham (Genesis 18), Jacob (Genesis 32:1-2), and Daniel (Daniel 6:22).
  2. New Testament Encounters: In the New Testament, angels announce the births of John the Baptist and Jesus (Luke 1:11-20, 1:26-38), minister to Jesus (Matthew 4:11, Luke 22:43), and assist the apostles (Acts 5:19-20).

Look up the word “angel” in a Bible concordance and see all the different times that God sent angels to us. I thank God for the angels that He sends to protect me.

–Diane (

Written by Diane Levy

Taste and See That the LORD is Good – Part 4

Taste and See That the LORD is Good – Part 6