
Taste and See That the LORD is Good – Part 7

The eyes of the LORD watch over those who do right; His ears are open to their cries for help. But the LORD turns His face against those who do evil; He will erase their memory from the earth. Psalms 34:15-16 NLT

Knowing that God is always watching over us and listening to our prayers can encourage us. This assurance can strengthen our faith and resolve to live righteously, as we know that God is attentive to our needs and struggles.

The stark warning to the wicked serves as a deterrent against engaging in evil actions. Understanding the severe consequences of divine disfavor and opposition can motivate individuals to avoid wicked behavior and seek to live in a way that pleases God.

These verses remind us to trust in God’s justice. Even when facing injustices or seeing the wicked prosper temporarily, we can hold onto the promise that God sees all and will ultimately bring about justice.

–Diane (

Written by Diane Levy

Taste and See That the LORD is Good – Part 6

Taste and See That the LORD is Good – Part 8