
This is My Desire

I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.” Psalms 40:8 NIV

The Psalmist expresses a deep longing to do God’s will. This reflects a heart that is aligned with God’s purposes and seeks to live in obedience to His commands. It signifies a willingness to surrender one’s own desires and preferences in favor of God’s plan and direction for one’s life.

The use of the term “my God” highlights the personal nature of the Psalmist’s relationship with God. It denotes intimacy and closeness, indicating that the Psalmist acknowledges God as not only the Creator and Ruler of the universe but also as a personal guide and companion in life.

The Psalmist declares that God’s law is within their heart. This suggests a deep internalization and assimilation of God’s commandments, principles, and teachings. Rather than merely following external rules or regulations, the Psalmist’s obedience is rooted in a heartfelt commitment to God’s word.

The Psalmist’s affirmation that God’s law is within their heart implies a sense of joy and delight in God’s commands. It reflects an understanding that God’s instructions are not burdensome but rather a source of wisdom, guidance, and blessing.

Father God, it is my desire to do your will. Please write your law on my heart. Please forgive my sins and cleanse me. Please create within me a new heart that desires to follow you completely. In Christ’s precious name, I pray, amen.

–Diane (

Written by Diane Levy


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